• Consistency is an act of the will more than a want.

What is a Marriage and Family Therapist?

What is a Marriage and Family Therapist?

A Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) is a fully licensed Master’s level therapist (we graduated from an accredited Master’s level program). Our training focused on developing healthy living skills as they relate to individuals, but also as they relate to life within a marriage and a family.

We often think of ourselves as therapists with an angle on the practical side of living as we emphasize the “how to” of communications and relating as well as the understanding of the dynamics of the emotions within. For further information take a look at www.mamft.org or www.aamft.org. We believe that LIFE is FUN.

What we understand and how we can help:

  • Family dynamics (the good and the not-so-good). We know how to help you, individually or with other family members present, understand and cope with the stresses and challenges of family relationships.  
  • The impact that a depressed spouse or child has on family life and relationships and know how to help everyone change, adjust and cope.
  • Child & Teen/Parent Relationships: help teenagers and parents adjust to each other and help moms and dads parent their kids through the school maze, friendships and through struggles with learning, including ADHD and ADD.
  • Eating disorders, anger management, emotional balance are common struggles that create internal, personal strife as well as relational turmoil.  We can help calm down the emotions and build understanding and coping skills for everyone involved.
  • Pain and confusion in infidelity. We know how to unpack and re-organize a married relationship in trouble.